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In the spirit of Roald Dahl’s stories (with a hook), Shiloh launched his ‘Swimming with Salamanders’ last year - 50 tales with a twist, foreword by sixties rock icon Tom Rapp. The book hit the shelves of the USA and has seen increased sales after being courted by Netflix with his previous paperback best seller ‘A Bicycle, a Chess Set, an African River’. 


In flow with Shiloh’s raconteur character, he withdrew all books from his distributor in SA and went into the international market, with strong public attack on the South African book cartels, stating they are crucifying the authors, so like the musicians. The Salamander book even got a thumbs up from Roald Dahls wild daughter and wonderful accolades from Steve Segerman, the man who discovered Rodriguez and acted in the award-winning documentary. 500 pages of riveting stories from the Great War Sopwith battles to The Anglo Zulu War, to hunting tigers out in India and so many more, the book has entered an international award forum for short stories    

Swimming with Salamanders by Shiloh Noone

SKU: 9780639775517
  • Swimming with Salamanders by Shiloh Noone

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